Pregnancy after a loss meditation script

pregnancy after a loss meditation

Being pregnant after a loss can come with an increase of anxiety. Meditation can be a great way to get in your body, become aware of how you feel, and to stay present. Recently I recorded a meditation which can be found on the pregnancy after loss page on my website.

Here is the script:

Pregnancy after loss meditation-


I invite you to get into a comfortable position either with your feet on the floor or lying down. Rest your hands by your side or in your lap and begin to close your eyes.


Today we are going to be talking about pregnancy after a loss. There are many thoughts that can come up for those pregnant after a loss.


I invite you today to acknowledge your thoughts and just notice them, without judgment.  Our thoughts are not facts.


There is no wrong way to meditate. Meditation takes practice and it is okay if your mind wanders, if you notice your thoughts wandering simply let them go and bring your awareness back to your breath.


We will begin by bringing awareness into the breath. Inhale to the count of 3 and exhale to the count of 4. If at any moment today something feels uncomfortable in your body please skip it. We will continue to breath in to the count of 3 and out to the count of 4 bringing attention to our breath.


Breath in and out


In and out


We will begin by bringing awareness into our body. Starting by bringing awareness into our head, notice how your forehead, your eyes, your mouth, your cheeks your ears are feeling, notice any sensations without judgment.


Now bring your awareness down your head to your neck and shoulders, simply noticing how you are feeling.


Now draw your attention to your chest and back and simply notice. Continue to breath into the count of 3 out to the count of 4.


Bring your awareness into your arms and then your hands. Notice if they feel heavy, light, warm or cold. Simply notice how they are feeling at this very moment.


Continue down your body now into your lower back, stomach and hips noticing any sensations. Continue traveling down into your legs and toes continuing to breath and notice any sensations.


Take a deep breath in through you head and breath out through your toes.


We will now return to our heart and our stomach. If it feels okay to you bring one hand to your heart and another to your belly.


Continue to breath in to the count of 3 and out to the count of 4.


Bring breath and awareness to your heart and your belly. Your body is strong. Your body can grow a healthy baby. You can hold love in your heart for both your loss and for the new baby growing inside of you.


Whatever emotions you are feeling inside or okay. Emotions are not good or bad, they just simply are. Notice your emotions without judgment and bring your awareness back to your breath.


Continue to breath. If you have an intention for your pregnancy you can say it silently now.


As we start to return now to the room know that your baby is loved, that your body is strong and capable of caring for this baby.


Know that meditation is available whenever you need it. You can return to these feelings of calm whenever you need to.


I will count back from 5 and then we will return to the room.


5, 4, 3 begin to bring movement back to your body, 2 bring awareness back to the room 1 open your eyes.

For more information about pregnancy after a loss please contact Kull Counseling, LLC at 608.239.4807 or